Saturday 6 August 2011

Personality Development Training

Personality Development Training: There is a major transformation which takes place in a student during 17 years of their education life. The most important phase is the one where they need to groom themselves from a STUDENT to a PROFESSIONAL. It is always expected for them not only to look professional but also think and behave like one. Thus sudden change in expectation tends to create pressure on the Students.
So to reduce the pressure from the students and so that they can accept the future CHANGES we have designed many programs. Here we focus on not every aspect of their PERSONALITY: from mental to physical so that they can be a COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL. 

The program is for all the students of professional studies who are about face interview
SUBJECT LIST: Please choose the topics from the under-mentioned PROGRAM LIST’.



1.       Professional Etiquette
2.       Team Spirit
3.       Sales Techniques
4.       Sell Yourself
5.       Presentation Skills
6.       Handling Difficult People
7.       Time Management
8.       Corporate Dressing
9.       Professional Body Language
10.   G. D. Skills
11.   Resume writing

1.       Positive Habit Building
2.       Self Awareness
3.       Confidence Building
4.       Customer Centric Attitude
5.       Positive Attitude
6.       Power of Smile
7.       Leadership Skills
8.       Stress Management
9.       Self Motivation
10.   Decision Making Skills
11.   Accepting Change

In the initial part of the session the participants will do concept study through PPT and case studies, quiz, and stories. However in the later part of the training they practice the knowledge in the real time situations through as games, role plays, situation handling, and mock calls.

for further details Call Ashley @ 9818105631 or mail:

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