Wednesday 24 August 2011

English Program

Globalization has thrown open the door of opportunities, having knowledge and fluency in English can help achieve greater opportunities.

India’s economic resilience through the global financial crisis has dramatically changed perceptions about the world’s future. Developed economies suddenly shrunk and crashed during the crisis, whilst the Indian economy growth just decelerated for a short period. The future exponential economic growth of India would create a huge demand for training and skill enhancement, assessment & certifications in the country.

English is an International and a business language. The population of India exceeds 110 crores, which itself is a huge market. Survey accounts only about 10% of Indians speak grammatically correct and fluent English.
As per this standard there are six different levels of classification A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2. These six levels are an interpretation of the classic division into basic, intermediate and advanced.

The content and exercises in the “Level 1” provides students with the basic framework for recognizing and using basic vocabulary and routine expressions. Students learn to express themselves in everyday situations to accomplish basic tasks such as self–introduction and asking for directions.

While the next level “Level 2”, students can hold a conversation with a good degree of fluency, read simple technical documents, and write short business reports. At this stage, students reinforce their English proficiency through dialogues, role–plays, and readings designed to expand vocabulary and introduce new sentence structures.

While the next level “Level 3”, students can converse with a high degree of fluency. They are able le to comprehend complex ideas expressed in English. This stage ensures students continue to improve their fluency and master complex expressions. Students will understand and participate in meetings with advanced English speakers.

for further details Call Ashley @ 9818105631 or mail:

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