Wednesday 24 August 2011

English Program

Globalization has thrown open the door of opportunities, having knowledge and fluency in English can help achieve greater opportunities.

India’s economic resilience through the global financial crisis has dramatically changed perceptions about the world’s future. Developed economies suddenly shrunk and crashed during the crisis, whilst the Indian economy growth just decelerated for a short period. The future exponential economic growth of India would create a huge demand for training and skill enhancement, assessment & certifications in the country.

English is an International and a business language. The population of India exceeds 110 crores, which itself is a huge market. Survey accounts only about 10% of Indians speak grammatically correct and fluent English.
As per this standard there are six different levels of classification A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2. These six levels are an interpretation of the classic division into basic, intermediate and advanced.

The content and exercises in the “Level 1” provides students with the basic framework for recognizing and using basic vocabulary and routine expressions. Students learn to express themselves in everyday situations to accomplish basic tasks such as self–introduction and asking for directions.

While the next level “Level 2”, students can hold a conversation with a good degree of fluency, read simple technical documents, and write short business reports. At this stage, students reinforce their English proficiency through dialogues, role–plays, and readings designed to expand vocabulary and introduce new sentence structures.

While the next level “Level 3”, students can converse with a high degree of fluency. They are able le to comprehend complex ideas expressed in English. This stage ensures students continue to improve their fluency and master complex expressions. Students will understand and participate in meetings with advanced English speakers.

for further details Call Ashley @ 9818105631 or mail:

Thursday 11 August 2011

Put the glass down. And see the difference !

A chemistry professor decided to teach his students a different lesson one day. Holding a glass of water in his hand, he asked the students, “How much do you think this glass of water weighs?” “500 grams!” came a voice from the back. “600,” said another student. “I don’t really know!” said the professor, holding the glass up to make sure everyone could see it.
“And unless we weigh it, we won’t know.” 
 With the glass still in his outstretched hand, the professor continued, “What will happen if I hold it like this for a few minutes?”“Nothing!” came the reply. “Right, and if I hold it for an hour like this, what might happen?” “Your hand will begin to hurt,” said a student. “Indeed. And what would happen if I held the glass in my hand like this for 24 hours?”“You would be in tremendous pain,” said one student. “Your hand will probably go numb,” said another. “Your arm will be paralysed and we’ll need to rush you to the hospital!” said a student on the last bench.“True,” said the professor. 
“But notice that through all this, the weight of the glass did not change. What then causes the pain?”The class went quiet. The students seemed puzzled.“What should I do to avoid the pain?” asked the professor. “Put the glass down!” said a student.“Well said!” exclaimed the professor. “And that’s a lesson I want you to remember. The problems and worries in life are like that glass of water. Think about them for a while and nothing happens. But think about it a bit longer and they begin to hurt. And if you think about them all day long, you will feel paralysed – incapable of doing anything. It’s important to remember to let go of your problems. Remember to put the glass down!”
 We may not have been in that classroom that day, but it’s a lesson we would all do well to remember. 
 Put the glass down! Always. It’s not just problems and worries. Sometimes, we feel hurt and betrayed by a friend. And we carry that grudge through our lives. It grows and causes us anguish and pain. Learning to forgive – and forget – is not just good for the other people, it’s great for you. 
 Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in jail and when he was finally freed, you can understand how angry and vengeful he must have felt. But guess what? When he became President, he invited his jailers to be present at the inauguration – in the VIP seats! If he could forgive after 27 years of suffering, surely we can too.
 It is the same with our fears too. A failure or an incident in early childhood becomes a deeply entrenched fear over time. Fear of public speaking, fear of Maths, fear of rejection. You name it, and chances are, we have it. Someone gave us that glass to hold when we were little kids – ‘you are clumsy, you are no good, you can’t do it’ - and we have faithfully held on to it all our lives. ‘I can’t’ - becomes a thought that stays in our mind and grows – leading us to complete paralysis. Time to put the glass down!
 The story goes that there was a hardworking man who lived a contented life with his wife and children. Every evening when he returned from work, he’d follow a ritual. Outside the door to his house were three nails. On the first one, he’d put his hat. On the second he’d hang his coat. And on the third nail, he’d unwrap an imaginary turban from his head and ‘put’ it there. 
 A friend happened to see this and enquired what he was putting on the third nail every day.“Those are my problems, my worries and my anger,” said the man. “I have lots of that at work, but when I come home, I remember to take it off – and leave them outside. I don’t take them home with me.” Maybe you should learn to do that too. 

Starting today...... Put the glass down. And see the difference !

Monday 8 August 2011


The program is segmented in a away so that the participants get an overview of the need of an Interview Process and the preparation involved in it. The program will have concept study, tips to handle an interview and mock sessions as well.

Ø  Interview Session (8hrs)

 In this section, the participants will understand that what is an interview session is meant for, how to showcase their strengths and willingness to join a part of the Interviewing Organsiation. In short how to understand the vacant position and to match their skills accordingly. The candidates will also design RESUMES.

Ø  Grooming for THE DAY (3hrs)
An interview session is about the assessment of the candidate. Keeping that in mind, this section concentrates of the clothing, footwear, colours, and accessories for the Interviews. 

Ø  This is my Resume: (5hrs)
In this section, gives participants the complete idea about the visual of what they are going to present to the interviewer i.e. how to design their RESUME. This shows how to use white and black sheets to show their credentials in correct manner, what to avoid and what not to miss, This section will involve lot of PPT presentation, format study and practice session of designing the resumes.
Ø  WE are DISCUSSING in a GROUP (8hrs)
 Even the participants are aware that GD is the prime tool to assess the candidates in an Interview session. Thus this portion of the session helps them to understand the employer’s perspective to deploy GD. It also introduces the basic norms of GD. This involves GD practice and the participants get scored and performance of feedback by the trainer.
Ø  Lets face to ACE (10hrs)
This section can be called as an Application Section. The participants are involved in various mock sessions so that they can also use the given tool to face the interview. They also learn to validate their resume will full confidence. Needless to say that this is the most interactive section.
In the initial part of the session the participants will do concept study through PPT and case studies, quiz, and stories. However in the later part of the training they practice the knowledge in the real time situations through as games, role plays, situation handling, and mock calls.

for further details Call Ashley @ 9818105631 or mail:

Saturday 6 August 2011

Personality Development Training

Personality Development Training: There is a major transformation which takes place in a student during 17 years of their education life. The most important phase is the one where they need to groom themselves from a STUDENT to a PROFESSIONAL. It is always expected for them not only to look professional but also think and behave like one. Thus sudden change in expectation tends to create pressure on the Students.
So to reduce the pressure from the students and so that they can accept the future CHANGES we have designed many programs. Here we focus on not every aspect of their PERSONALITY: from mental to physical so that they can be a COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL. 

The program is for all the students of professional studies who are about face interview
SUBJECT LIST: Please choose the topics from the under-mentioned PROGRAM LIST’.



1.       Professional Etiquette
2.       Team Spirit
3.       Sales Techniques
4.       Sell Yourself
5.       Presentation Skills
6.       Handling Difficult People
7.       Time Management
8.       Corporate Dressing
9.       Professional Body Language
10.   G. D. Skills
11.   Resume writing

1.       Positive Habit Building
2.       Self Awareness
3.       Confidence Building
4.       Customer Centric Attitude
5.       Positive Attitude
6.       Power of Smile
7.       Leadership Skills
8.       Stress Management
9.       Self Motivation
10.   Decision Making Skills
11.   Accepting Change

In the initial part of the session the participants will do concept study through PPT and case studies, quiz, and stories. However in the later part of the training they practice the knowledge in the real time situations through as games, role plays, situation handling, and mock calls.

for further details Call Ashley @ 9818105631 or mail: